Hi Jase
Thats bad news for me, as I now have this configuration up and running and it seems to work fine. We did decide to install an additional server in the Germany site to host the witness appliance as per the instruction in the documntation you referenced that it must connect to the same physical switch.
Am I correct in saying that the vSAN VLAN therefore needs to be routable at L3 on the network? If WTS is not supported, then how does the witness communicate with the nodes on the remote vSAN network? My customers WAN infrastructure does not allow us to add/publish additional routed subnets, so this would be a non-starter as communication from another site will not work.
I could add a Witness VLAN and make the vSAN VLAN routable within the Germany site, but not out onto the WAN. I could then place the witness host somewhere in the Germany site (not either of the 2 x datacentres) on the Witness subnet and use a routed L3 connection to the vSAN subnet?
Does this sound feasible? If not, can you offer any alternatives as my customer has invested a signifcant amount of money in this all flash vSAN solution