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  • 1.  vSAN policy in different datastores

    Posted Jan 31, 2023 12:03 PM

    I have just identified a problem in a large environment and I need to know the best way to address it.

    I identified virtual machines on different datastore, vSAN and datastore on storage bays.

    The problem is that someone applied the "vSAN Default Storage Policy" to all virtual machines.

    I made this little script to help me find the details of the VMDK of each virtual machine and I would like to add the following information:

    • VM Storage Policies
    • VM Storage Policy Compliance
    • DataStore Type

    Is that possible, or do I have to do it differently?


    $report = @()
    foreach ($vm in Get-VM){
    $view = Get-View $vm
    if ($view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.ThinProvisioned -eq $true){
    $row = '' | select Name, Provisioned, Total, Used, VMDKs, VMDKsize, DiskUsed, Thin
    $row.Name = $vm.Name
    $row.Provisioned = [math]::round($vm.ProvisionedSpaceGB , 2)
    $row.Total = [math]::round(($view.config.hardware.Device | Measure-Object CapacityInKB -Sum).sum/1048576 , 2)
    $row.Used = [math]::round($vm.UsedSpaceGB , 2)
    $row.VMDKs = $view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.Filename | Out-String
    $row.VMDKsize = $view.config.hardware.Device | where {$_.GetType().name -eq 'VirtualDisk'} | ForEach-Object {($_.capacityinKB)/1048576} | Out-String
    $row.DiskUsed = $vm.Extensiondata.Guest.Disk | ForEach-Object {[math]::round( ($_.Capacity - $_.FreeSpace)/1048576/1024, 2 )} | Out-String
    $row.Thin = $view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.ThinProvisioned | Out-String
    $report += $row
    $report | Sort Name | Export-Csv -Path "D:Thin_Disks.csv"

  • 2.  RE: vSAN policy in different datastores
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 31, 2023 12:22 PM

    Try with

        $row.StoragePolicy = (Get-Harddisk -VM $vm | Get-SpbmEntityConfiguration).StoragePolicy.Name | %{if($_ -eq $null){'Datastore Default'}else{$_}} | Out-String

    Don't forget to add StoragePolicy on the line where you define $row.

        $row = '' | Select-Object Name, Provisioned, Total, Used, VMDKs, VMDKsize, DiskUsed, Thin, StoragePolicy

  • 3.  RE: vSAN policy in different datastores

    Posted Jan 31, 2023 05:10 PM

      Thank you it's working fine


    would you please help me with sources or some example in order to show output in GB or Go Like this :

    20 Go or GB
    30 Go or GB

    As for now the output is like this




  • 4.  RE: vSAN policy in different datastores

    Posted Jan 31, 2023 05:32 PM

    Try something like this

    $row.VMDKsize = $view.config.hardware.Device | where {$_.GetType().name -eq 'VirtualDisk'} | ForEach-Object {"{0:N2}GB" -f (($_.capacityinKB)/1MB)} | Out-String

    Similar for Used and DiskUsed

  • 5.  RE: vSAN policy in different datastores

    Posted Jan 31, 2023 06:55 PM

    Like this I'm getting error

    $row.DiskUsed = $vm.Extensiondata.Guest.Disk | ForEach-Object {[math]::round( "{0:N2} GB" -f ($_.Capacity - $_.FreeSpace)/1048576/1024, 2 )} | Out-String

  • 6.  RE: vSAN policy in different datastores
    Best Answer

    Posted Jan 31, 2023 07:04 PM

    That should be like this

    $report = @()
    foreach ($vm in Get-VM) {
      $view = Get-View $vm
      if ($view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.ThinProvisioned -eq $true) {
        $row = '' | Select-Object Name, Provisioned, Total, Used, VMDKs, VMDKsize, DiskUsed, Thin, StoragePolicy
        $row.Name = $vm.Name
        $row.Provisioned = [math]::round($vm.ProvisionedSpaceGB , 2)
        $row.Total = [math]::round(($view.config.hardware.Device | Measure-Object CapacityInKB -Sum).sum / 1048576 , 2)
        $row.Used = "{0:N2}GB" -f $vm.UsedSpaceGB
        $row.VMDKs = $view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.Filename | Out-String
        $row.VMDKsize = $view.config.hardware.Device | Where-Object { $_.GetType().name -eq 'VirtualDisk' } | ForEach-Object { "{0:N2}GB" -f (($_.capacityinKB) / 1MB) } | Out-String
        $row.DiskUsed = $vm.Extensiondata.Guest.Disk | ForEach-Object { "{0:N2}GB" -f (($_.Capacity - $_.FreeSpace) / 1GB) } | Out-String
        $row.Thin = $view.config.hardware.Device.Backing.ThinProvisioned | Out-String
        $row.StoragePolicy = (Get-Harddisk -VM $vm | Get-SpbmEntityConfiguration).StoragePolicy.Name | %{if($_ -eq $null){'Datastore Default'}else{$_}} | Out-String
        $report += $row
    $report | Sort-Object Name | Export-Csv -Path "D:Thin_Disks.csv"