Hi Lucasberndsky,
I'am understanding what you are saying. But these disks where thick-provisioned due a failure in vRA blueprint So we do have thick-provisiod disks on vSAN as the vCenter alarm displayed. If a thick provisioned disk is needed we do have a storage police with the Object Space reservation is 100. And yes it's a challange to make the disk thin provisioned if a cluster have only one vSAN datastore and planning downtime for a vm to clone is difficult.
So we're thinking the create a small temporary cluster in the same vCenter with the same vMotion network. Then it's possible to do a vMotion/storage vMotion to this cluster and back to the vSAN cluster with the correct storage policy.
With the following Powershell one-liner I created an overview of disks that are thick-provioned.
$thick_provisioned_servers = Get-Datastore | Get-VM | Get-HardDisk | Where {$_.storageformat -eq "Thick" } | Select Parent, Name, CapacityGB, storageformat, ConnectionState | Export-Csv "d:\temp\\thick_provision_vmdk.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Thank you for reply!