I got solution from vmware reddit, solution attached below:
To work properly a normal vSAN cluster needs 3 hosts.
For a 2-node cluster you still need a witness node which functions as the third fault domain.
You can force provision a VM in a vSAN cluster missing a third fault domain, but I doubt your lab will work without ever completing the setup.
Thanks for your suggestion, my vsan lab cluster works property around half years within two hosts. Properly need to do more research to fix the configuration with faule domain. Could i ask about that you mention that 'you still need a witness node', if i configure one of host to witness do this means this host will not provide any storage and just works for disaster tolerance?
The witness is essentially a third site which keeps a witness component of every object protected with RAID1.
It needs to be hosted separated from the vSAN cluster. You can either use a physical host and configure a kernel for vSAN traffic / witness traffic or use a vSAN witness appliance (basically a nested ESXi) on top of another hypervisor.
You're correct on the storage part. The third node doesn't provide storage for the vSAN cluster, just needs some storage to keep the witness component.
Thanks a lot, just go through research i got solution of 2-node vsan cluster need to deploy vsan witness application. Your suggestion helps me solve this issue. Thanks again.
Step by step deployment article attached below:
Deploy a 2-node vSAN cluster -
If anyone in 2-node vsan have same issue occurred same like me, these articles will work for you !