Hi all,
I have a strange problem with action and drop-down menu in vro 8.6.
I created an action "getTagsFromCategoryName" that return a String/Array with all the tags present in a selected tagCategory ( another drop-down menu populated with action ).
At each run of the workflow, I got a red banner with error : "There was a problem invoking action com.bper/getTagsFromCategoryName;" even if all the fields are correctly populated.
Can someone help me with this error ?
Thanks in advance
getTagsFromCategoryName code is:
//var vapiEndpoints = Server.findAllForType("VAPI:VAPIEndpoint");
//var endpoint = vapiEndpoints[0];
if (vapiEndpoint == null) { throw "'vapiEndpoint' parameter should not be null" }
if (tagCategoryName == null) { throw "'tagCategoryName' parameter should not be null" }
System.debug("VAPI endpoint selected: " + vapiEndpoint.endpointUrl)
var client = vapiEndpoint.client();
var outputTags = new Array()
var category = new com_vmware_cis_tagging_category(client)
var categories = category.list()
var tagging = new com_vmware_cis_tagging_tag(client)
var tags = tagging.list()
// Iterate through tag categories to find the category specified in categoryName
var categoryId = ""
for each (var tagCat in categories){
if (category.get(tagCat).name == tagCategoryName ) {
categoryId = category.get(tagCat).id
System.debug("Found tagCategory: " + tagCategoryName + " with ID: " + categoryId)
// Iterate through tags to find the tags that belong to the categoryName and add them to the outputTags array
for each (var tag in tags){
if (tagging.get(tag).category_id.toString() == categoryId) {
System.debug("Found tagName: " + tagging.get(tag).name)
if (outputTags.length < 0){
System.log("No tag found in " + tagCategoryName)
}else {
System.log("Tags found: " + outputTags.sort())
return outputTags.sort()