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  • 1.  VR plugin missing in web client

    Posted Sep 24, 2017 11:58 AM

    Earlier, we had deployed the vSphere Replication successfully. However, we had to redo the installation and proceeded with the installation. Now, the vCenter is up and running. we have redeployed the VR appliance as well. However, we don't see the replication plugin in the web client. We have repeated the installations multiple times as of now but to no avail. Members' help would be greatly appreciated.

  • 2.  RE: VR plugin missing in web client

    Posted Sep 24, 2017 08:54 PM

    Have you tried unregistering the VR appliance from the VC and rebooting the VR appliance?

    VMware vSphere 5.1

  • 3.  RE: VR plugin missing in web client

    Posted Sep 25, 2017 03:51 AM


    Do we get any errors while accessing the plugin or the plugin itself not visible in the webclient.

    What are the versions of VC and VR ?

    Did you check the compatablity ?

    Do you have any firewalls between these servers?

    If yes, make sure the ports are not blocking

    I think if you be more specific about the issue/error we can be of better help


  • 4.  RE: VR plugin missing in web client

    Posted Sep 25, 2017 08:59 AM

    The problem was with the version compatibility. I can see the replication plugin now. Thanks