Upgraded from to 9.5 on three out of four cell servers. The fourth cell post upgrade errors on service vmware-vcd start with the following errors.
- Bootstrap application: start Fatal exception caught during application bootstrap. Halting application. Message: '/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/etc/global.properties'
- 2019-01-10 17:05:25,937 | WARN | Bootstrap Application | CommonsConfigurationFactory | Server configuration file not found: /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/etc/global.properties |
org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException: Unable to load the configuration from the URL file:/opt/vmware/vcloud-director/etc/global.properties
However i can "cat /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/etc/global.properties" and comparing it to other cells seems correct. See output below.
# Database connection settings
database.jdbcUrl = jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://redacted:1433/vcloud;socketTimeout=90
database.username = redacted
database.password = redacted
# Product display name
product.display_name = VMware vCloud Director
# Maximum number blocking tasks (per cell) to be resumed when expired.
# This property is taken into account only when blocking task's default timeout action is "Resume".
# Uncomment this line and set the desired value. Otherwise, the default value (1000) will be used.
# blockingTasks.timeoutResumeRate = 1000
product.version =
product.build_date = 2018-11-27T21:25:46-0800
vcloud.cell.ip.primary = redacted
consoleproxy.host.https = redacted
vcloud.ssl.password = redacted
vcloud.ssl.key.password = redacted
vcloud.ssl.truststore.password = redacted
consoleproxy.keystore.password = redacted
consoleproxy.keystore.path = /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/etc/proxycertificates
audit.syslog.host =
audit.syslog.port = 514
system.info = aDYYIDRwlRaU1fLfnqgvgTMzp9YgEesQDALS53T73EM=
system.version = 1
vcloud.cell.uuid = redacted
vcloud.cell.ips = redacted
user.keystore.path = /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/../jre/bin/certificates.ks
user.keystore.password redacted