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  • 1.  Vmware update manager : new DB and DSN entry

    Posted Aug 18, 2009 02:55 PM

    Hi all,

    I've sucessfully installed Virtual Center 4 over a SQL Server 2005 64 bits on a Windows 2008 enterprise VM.

    I added an 32 bits DSN for vCenter to access the database VCDB and it seems to work.

    Now, I plan to install Update Manager on the same server.

    I'm totaly newbie on SQL server 2005

    I created a database using this script (I almost cut/paste the script to create de VCDB database for vCenter) See below.

    Now, I have to create the DSN to allow access to this database :

    This DSN can be 64 bits ? Or only 32 bits, as on vCenter ?

    The documentation seems to say it can run on 64 bits DSN. But I would like to be sure.

    By the way, I'm not sure that creating a new DB on the same SQL Server installation is usefull.


    Best regards



    h6. use

    h6. (NAME = N'vcupdatedb', FILENAME = N'E:\VCUPDATEDB\VCUPDATEDB.mdf'
    + , SIZE = 4000KB , FILEGROWTH = 10% )+
    h6. LOG ON
    h6. (NAME = N'vcupdatedb_log', FILENAME = N'E:\VCUPDATEDB\VCUPDATEDB.ldf'
    + , SIZE = 2000KB , FILEGROWTH = 10%)+
    h6. COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
    h6. go
    h6. use VCDB
    h6. go
    h6. sp_addlogin @loginame=[vpxuserupdate], @passwd=N'xxxxx',
    + @defdb='VCUPDATEDB', @deflanguage='us_english'+
    h6. go
    h6. go
    h6. go
    h6. sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'db_owner', @membername =
    + 'vpxuserupdate'+
    h6. go
    h6. use MSDB
    h6. go
    h6. go
    h6. sp_addrolemember @rolename = 'db_owner', @membername =
    + 'vpxuserupdate'+
    h6. go

  • 2.  RE: Vmware update manager : new DB and DSN entry

    Posted Aug 18, 2009 03:02 PM

    By the way, I'm not sure that creating a new DB on the same SQL Server installation is usefull.

    Not only useful, but that's the way SQL works, you can have hundreds thousands of tables on the SAME SQL database. The database is just a manager, and instance. SQL supports 2TB of RAM, 64 Cores and as much disk space as you can throw at it, all with a single install. Then you can have MULTIPLE installs of SQL on the same piece of hardware, so yes SQL is not only 'useful' but this is ideal.

    Also UM is a 32-bit program, so that's why the 32-bit DSN requirement.

    And for future referrence you should not do ANYTHING with these tables. Follow the admin guide, add appropriate permissions for the master table, create the UM table (call it whatever you want). That's it.

    Point the UM to that table via the DSN, it will take it from there. There is no 'pre' work that's needs to be done.

  • 3.  RE: Vmware update manager : new DB and DSN entry

    Posted Aug 18, 2009 03:14 PM

    If you are right, that means there is a mistake in the documentation.

    In the VMware vCenter Update Manager Administration Guide, it is said, page 25 :

    On your Update Manager server system, select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools >
    Data Sources (ODBC).
    2 Click the System DSN tab.
    3 Create or modify an ODBC system data source.

    But to create a 32 bits DSN on a 64 bits system, one must use C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Odbcad32.exe as it is said page 72 of the ESX and vCenter Server Installation Guide

    Even though vCenter Server is supported on 64-bit operating systems, the vCenter Server system must have a 32-bit DSN. This requirement applies to all supported databases. By default, any DSN created on a 64-bit system is 64 bit.
    1 Install the ODBC drivers.
    n For Microsoft SQL Server database servers, install the 64-bit database ODBC drivers on your Microsoft
    Windows system. When you install the 64-bit drivers, the 32-bit drivers are installed automatically.
    n For Oracle database servers, install the 32-bit database ODBC drivers on your Microsoft Windows
    NOTE The default install location on 64-bit operating systems is C:\VMware.
    2 Run the 32-bit ODBC Administrator application, located at \SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.
    3 Use the application to create your DSN.
    You now have a DSN that is compatible with vCenter Server. When the vCenter Server installer prompts you
    for a DSN, select the 32-bit DSN.


  • 4.  RE: Vmware update manager : new DB and DSN entry

    Posted Aug 18, 2009 03:19 PM

    Uh..yeah, but where does it say to run a script and that other stuff you did?

    Plus you answered your own question about 32-bit DSN.

    "Even though vCenter Server is supported on 64-bit operating systems, the vCenter Server system must have a 32-bit DSN. This requirement applies to all supported databases."

  • 5.  RE: Vmware update manager : new DB and DSN entry

    Posted Aug 18, 2009 03:25 PM

    No, I did not answer my question myself ! :smileyblush:

    My question is related to Vmware update manager. Not vCenter.

    It's clear that vCenter need of a 32 bits DSN.

    But it seems Vmware update manager can use a 64 bits DSN, but I would like to be sure.

    And the script is my idea to create a different DB on the same SQL server. Because it is said that it's better to use a different DB for VCenter and Update manager


  • 6.  RE: Vmware update manager : new DB and DSN entry

    Posted Aug 19, 2009 08:47 AM


    I tried to install according the documentation, so installing a 64 bits DSN. This DSN is not visible during the setup of Update Manager.

    I create a 32 bits DSN , and it's visible. So the DSN must be 32 bits !

    So there is a little omission in the documentation

    Then I successfully update an ESX host.


  • 7.  RE: Vmware update manager : new DB and DSN entry

    Posted Aug 19, 2009 07:44 PM


    Moved to Update Manager forum

    Best regards,

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