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  • 1.  Vmware Tools showing various versions

    Posted Apr 29, 2010 09:28 AM

    We have recently upgraded to Vsphere and we are currently installing/upgrading vmware tools and hardware.

    The problem being is that according to RVtools some vmware tools show different versions even though there status shows as ok.

    Any ideas why this would be reporting like this

  • 2.  RE: Vmware Tools showing various versions

    Posted May 04, 2010 05:17 AM

    Are the ESX hosts all running at the same patch level? If you have an ESX host running an older version and a VM is running on that host with same albeit older version of VMware Tools then the check would come back okay. Once you upgrade the ESX host and a VM is hosted on the server with the old version of VMware Tools it would complain.