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  • 1.  VMware Network Design

    Posted Oct 14, 2014 06:23 PM


    I am setting up VMware with use of 2 network cards going to two separate switches.

    I have attached a picture of the layout.

    is there anything i need to be aware of?

    I can ping the VMware host on from a PC and pull the power on one of the switches and can still ping the host, i can do this for the other switch and all works well.

    so really just wanting to make sure there is nothing to be aware of which could cause issues.

  • 2.  RE: VMware Network Design

    Posted Oct 14, 2014 07:46 PM

    -  The connectinos between your server rack and your wall rack on switche A and B is this more then one connection each?

    -  The NICS in the host are these single port NICS's or is this one dual port NIC?

    Just wondering as these are the only single point of failure I see in it.  This can easily be fixed by putting a second connection in on both, or putting in another NIC if its a dual prot nic

  • 3.  RE: VMware Network Design

    Posted Oct 14, 2014 07:52 PM

    For maximum redundancy I would suggest adding an uplink from each NIC to each port group. That way if you drop NIC 1, traffic from all port groups will continue to flow. I would also connect each server rack switch to each cabinet switch, this way if a cabinet switch goes down the traffic from the rack switch continues to flow.

  • 4.  RE: VMware Network Design

    Posted Oct 14, 2014 09:04 PM


    I can confirm each of the VMware Hosts has two separate 1Gbps network cards of which connect to two different network switches.

    Each rack switch also connects back to a separate 1Gbps network switches.

    total of 4 network switches, 4 network cards and 2 hosts

    both network cards are part of the same group and are both accessible to the VMs via a single virtual network card