To be clear (as I’ve never modified the config file manually before), the new entries would be added to the parameters already listed in the file shown below):
.encoding = "UTF-8"
libdir = "/usr/lib/vmware"
authd.proxy.vim = "vmware-hostd:hostd-vmdb"
authd.proxy.nfc = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfc"
authd.proxy.nfcssl = "vmware-hostd:ha-nfcssl"
authd.proxy.vpxa-nfcssl = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfcssl"
authd.proxy.vpxa-nfc = "vmware-vpxa:vpxa-nfc"
authd.fullpath = "/sbin/authd"
authd.soapServer = "TRUE"
vmauthd.server.alwaysProxy = "TRUE"
vhv.allow = "TRUE"
featMask.evc.cpuid.Intel = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.FAMILY = "Val:6"
featMask.evc.cpuid.MODEL = "Val:0x1a"
featMask.evc.cpuid.STEPPING = "Val:4"
featMask.evc.cpuid.NUMLEVELS = "Val:0xb"
featMask.evc.cpuid.NUM_EXT_LEVELS = "Val:0x80000008"
featMask.evc.cpuid.CMPXCHG16B = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.DS = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.LAHF64 = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.LM = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.MWAIT = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.NX = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.SS = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.SSE3 = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.SSSE3 = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.SSE41 = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.POPCNT = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.RDTSCP = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.SSE42 = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.cpuid.VMX = "Val:1"
featMask.evc.hv.capable = "Val:1"
featureCompat.evc.completeMasks = "TRUE"
Also, if I understand correctly, every VM in the cluster will need to be powered off and on? Reboots, say during my next patching cycle, won’t cut it, correct?