Log for VMware Converter, pid=5660, version=3.0.0
Please re-test this conversion with version 3.0.2u1 www.vmware.com/downloads/converter/
Impersonating user tonywong
Please install directly to the source physical machine using the local built-in "administrator" account.
vmName = "tonlaptop"
vmPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\tonywong\My Documents\My Virtual Machines"
vmxFilePath = "C:\tonylaptop\tonylaptop.vmx"
targetProductVersion = "PRODUCT_WS_6X"
preallocateDisks = true
CreateFile on pipe
.\pipe\C:\tonylaptop\tonylaptop__0.vmx failed 2.
Not enough space available at destination
Image processing task has failed with MethodFault::Exception: sysimage.fault.IncompatibilityFault
Check to ensure you have enough space at the destination. You can try saving the image in 2gb chunks instead of 1 very large file.