I am using ESX4i server version 4.0.0 Build 219382. I have vSphere CLI 4.0 Update 1 installed on an Ubuntu machine.
I routinely copy a VM over to ESX4i server and use vmware-cmd register command to add the VM to the inventory. This has been working flawlessly for last so many days but today when I run:
/usr/bin/vmware-cmd -v -H -U root -P "password" -s register "[datastore3] restore-may3/restore-may3.vmx"
API Version: 4.0
register() =1
( I also see STDOUT has this:potentially harmless line "Warning: XML::LibXML compiled against libxml2 20632, but runtime libxml2 is older 20631")
After this I observe that :
1. The vSphere client shows a successful "Register virtual machine".
2. vSphere client's inventory view doesn't show the new VM.
3. Any attempt to again register(both using vmware-cmd or using vSphere client) fails with this message:
Fault string: The specified key, name, or identifier already exists.
Fault detail: AlreadyExists
And if I unregister using vmware-cmd and:
a. try registering using vmware-cmd , it goes back to same half-complete state.
b. try registering using vSphere client, it works as expected.
Any clue to this puzzle?