Good day.
I got 2 hosts (5.5 and 5.0) uinder signle vCenter and I need to move all the vms from the second one (5.0) to the first one (5.5). ESXi 5.5 is in the distributed vswitch so I decide to delete single vmnic from vds and add it to the standard switch. This host has 4 vmk interfaces now - 3 in the vds (single management ( and 2 for vmotion, but now the flag "use it for vmotion" is disabled) and single vmk (vmk3) in standard vswitch. vmk3 is falgged for vmotion only, its address is Host 5.0 is located in another network, got single vmk0 ( and it is flagged for management traffic and vmotion. Ok now, I set the correct rules on my router but vmotion ifaces cant see each other cause of routing table on ESXi 5.5:
default vmk0 MANUAL vmk0 MANUAL vmk1 MANUAL
and if I add route it adds via vmk0, so vmk3 on ESXi 5.5 still doesnt know about the route. Furthermore if I "view routing table" of this vmk in the vSphere client - I got an empty list. How can I add route for specific vmkernel interface?
P.S. add ESXi 5.0 to vds is no option for me.