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vmotion issue

  • 1.  vmotion issue

    Posted May 07, 2013 04:01 AM


           I have a vcenter, both esxi server i have added them by host to vcenter, & then i have two esxi5.1 Server, they are esxi A & esxi B, they have their own storage, its not sharing the same storage, & i want to move one vm machine from esxi A datastore to esxi B datastore

    & the esxi hosts is using different hardware spec & brand name, but it is using intel CPU for both servers,

    and i am doing below vmotion move in web client, and i get this message, any idea ?

    The virtual machine requires hardware features that are unsupported or disabled on the target host:
    * Carryless multiply (PCLMULQDQ) (see KB 1034926)
    * SSE4.1
    * SSE4.2
    * AES instructions (AES-NI) (see KB 1034926)

    If possible, use a cluster with Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) enabled; see KB article 1003212.

    CPUID details: incompatibility at level 0x1 register 'ecx'.
    Host bits: 0000:0010:1001:1000:0010:0010:0000:0011
    Required:  x000:x00x:00x0:0xx0:xxx0:xx1x:xx0x:xx01

    Best Regards


  • 2.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted May 07, 2013 05:19 AM

    the esxi hosts is using different hardware spec & brand name, but it is using intel CPU for both servers

    Both the host might be having a CPU from different family set with different features. So you have to Enable Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) on the cluster and add both the host to the cluster.

    Check the model of the CPU's and use the below KB to find the suitable generation for the CPU

    Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) processor support (1003212)

    EVC and CPU Compatibility FAQ

  • 3.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted May 07, 2013 07:19 AM

    so that the two esxi hosts not using the same storage is workable for vmotion ?

  • 4.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted May 07, 2013 09:41 AM

    Correct, as of vSphere 5.1 a vmotion can be performed across hosts that don't have shared storage, however as aravinds3107 mentioned there are other requirements/limitations that need to be factored in. Check the EVC configuration on your cluster first as this might be the problem.


    Ben Loveday

  • 5.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted May 07, 2013 03:06 PM

    in order to do this i have to add the two esxi hosts in vcenter ->new cluster ?  and then choose "turn on vsphere DRS" in my case ? or "Turn on vsphere HA" ?


  • 6.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted May 07, 2013 03:49 PM

    No. You need to turn on EVC. Assume ESXi A is Westmere chipset while ESXi B is Nehalem. You'll need to "downgrade" ESXi A to Nehalem capabilities. All the VMs running on ESXi A will have to be powered off while your "downgrading" ESXi A.

  • 7.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted May 07, 2013 03:19 PM

    Not entirely correct you will have to implement the VMware vSphere Storage Appliance - this allow you to share local storage between esxi hosts allowinf to implement vMotion and DRS without the use of SAN or NAS storage.

    For more information see vSphere Storage Appliance - Shared Storage for Everyone

  • 8.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted May 08, 2013 03:21 PM

    so that in my case i need to deploy "vSphere Storage Appliance" first to allow local storage aware of each other, before starting vsphere storage appliance, i need to add cluster of the two esxi hosts in v center and DRS them, also i need to turn on EVC , and of coz both esxi server cpu is capailities as well , correct ?


  • 9.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted May 08, 2013 03:52 PM

    I would install the vSphere Storage Appliance on each host first - then create the cluster - enabling the EVC when you create the cluster -

  • 10.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Jul 30, 2013 07:16 AM

    my two esxi server cpu is using intel Xeon E5645 & Xeon E5620 , two cpu are Westmere-EP , vmotion requirement should be meet right ?,47925


  • 11.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Jul 30, 2013 08:19 AM


    my two esxi server cpu is using intel Xeon E5645 & Xeon E5620 , two cpu are Westmere-EP , vmotion requirement should be meet right ?

    Yes, the CPU models you've listed are in the same family so no problem.



  • 12.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Jul 30, 2013 10:51 AM

    i need to install vSphere Storage Appliance for vmotion ? and my 2 esxi server is not shared the same storage

  • 13.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Jul 30, 2013 10:58 AM

    Yes you need to install VSA if you want to use vmotion fonctionnality with local storage. VSA will create a unified shared storage accross your ESX.



  • 14.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Jul 30, 2013 03:21 PM

    IS there any documentation show how to use VSA ? I need to add cluster in vcenter for my two esxi first ?

  • 15.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Jul 30, 2013 03:27 PM

    Yes here :… and yes you need to create a cluster and add your hosts.



  • 16.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 03, 2013 04:40 AM

    when i try to click on register trial verison of VSA, the link brought me to the following,i need to download and install this or VSA Automated Installer ? i also download VSA Automated Installer, it said my trial version is not valid during the VSA Automated Installer installation, can anyone tell me the correct install source to download  ? Thx

    VMware vCenter Operations Management Suite 5.7 (supports VMware vCenter Server 5.1 only)

  • 17.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 03, 2013 04:45 AM

    can i install VSA if my esxi already has vm host running, i read some post saying that before install VSA, the esxi server must be clean without any vm host created, is that true ?

  • 18.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 03, 2013 06:09 AM


    No you can install your VSA on a running environnement, but it is a little more complicated. You need to create a new datastore (Without the full size or your local disk), Then migrate your VM on it. After Your can add to your VSA volume the space now available (Delete your datastore). But for extend your VSA volume a reboot is required.



  • 19.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 03, 2013 06:21 AM

    VSA Automated Installer is the installer i need for VSA ? but when i click the link to apply trial on VSA, it shows me the link of VMware vCenter Operations Management Suite 5.7, also it shows me the trial key for it, after i downloaded VSA, and when i tried to install, i insert the trial key, it said is invalid, do i need to install something else first ?

  • 20.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 04, 2013 09:13 AM


    No, it's because you are using the license key for VMwere vCenter Operations Management Suite 5.7 Not for VSA. That's why.

    You can install your VSA without insert a license key, your VSA will be in evaluate mode for 60days.



  • 21.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 04, 2013 12:27 PM

    Let me try it, I remember if I don't insert license key, I can not click on next, let me try tonight , Thx a lots

  • 22.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 06, 2013 03:31 AM

    Hi julien

    already installed the trial of VSA on vcenter server, for below, i do need to create a new datastore, for example if the esxi A has 6 vm guest is running, i need to migrate the 6 vm guest to this new datastore ? the delete the datastore where i use to have the vm guest sitting ? and add this datastore below VSA volume ?   do i have to do the same on the another esxi B  ?

    by adding the two esxi A & esxi B to the cluster in vcenter, do this before or after the above step ?


  • 23.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 06, 2013 04:33 AM

    already installed the trial of VSA on vcenter server, for below, i do need to create a new datastore, for example if the esxi A has 6 vm guest is running, i need to migrate the 6 vm guest to this new datastore ? the delete the datastore where i use to have the vm guest sitting ? and add this datastore below VSA volume ?   do i have to do the same on the another esxi B  ?

    Yes exactly, but when you will extend your VSA Datastore a reboot is required. And you need to do the same thing with your ESXi B.

    by adding the two esxi A & esxi B to the cluster in vcenter, do this before or after the above step ?

    You can do this step before, but do not enable DRS and HA. Enable this two options after only when you have created and finished to extend your VSA Datastore.



  • 24.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 06, 2013 12:38 PM

    HI julien

                Any good method migrate the production vm guest from datastore 1 to datastore 2 within the esxi server Without down time ? 

  • 25.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 06, 2013 12:45 PM


    You can migrate your VM from one datastore to another without downtime, but when you will extend your VSA datastore a reboot is required. Sorry.



  • 26.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 06, 2013 04:34 PM

    Hi julien

         I don't quote understand your point, and below is my concern

    I Think I will create a new datastore and migrate all the vm to the new datastore first the esxi A, but for moving the vm from one datastore to another in esxi A, how I can move ? In the past I use V to V , but I need to shutdown the vm guest when I use v to v , and for my vcente, cluster is not added to the two esxi yet, they are esxi A & esxi B, in my current suitation, VSA volume is still waiting to create before I have done the moving of all vm from datastore to new datastore, any good tools to sharer to move without downtime ?

  • 27.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 06, 2013 06:30 PM

    I Think I will create a new datastore and migrate all the vm to the new datastore first the esxi A, but for moving the vm from one datastore to another in esxi A, how I can move ?

    What is your license level ? You are using your infrastructure in evaluation mode? right? Because using vsphere client you can migrate a vm with storage vmotion from a datastore to another without shared storage.

    Check the requierement first.VMware vSphere 5.1



  • 28.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 09, 2013 06:02 AM

    my license is enterprise plus

  • 29.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 09, 2013 07:05 AM

    So using vsphere web client, you can migrate your VM from a datastore to another.



  • 30.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 09, 2013 08:30 AM

    do you mind to tell me the steps of doing that ? that is call storage vmotion ?

  • 31.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 09, 2013 09:05 AM

    Using the vsphere web client, select your VM--> Right-Click--> Move to..--> and then follow the wizard.

    You can change both datastore and Host, or only datastore.



  • 32.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 10, 2013 05:34 PM

    Hi Julien

    this is great, and just wonder this is only for move vm host to another datastore within the same host ? if i want to move the vm host to another host's datastore, i must use VSA ? coz i have a problem, i do not have enough datastore storage to move all vm host to, and format the production one to convert to VSA volume

  • 33.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 11, 2013 11:18 AM


    If want you to migrate your VM from a local storage to another, you can migrate using both migration steps (Host and datastore). If you haven't enough space available on your VSA , just extend your VSA , migrate your VM, and then extend the VSA again.



  • 34.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 12, 2013 04:31 PM

    Hi Julien

    sorry for so many question, one last question, my esxi B only have one datastore, if i want to deploy VSA on esxi A and B, i wont be able to deploy VSA if my esxi B only have one datastore, can not move all vm guest to another datastore and to convert the datastore as VSA volume, i think i will use migration step (host and datastore) to move one of the vm guest from esxi B to A,  also i have one more queston on VSA, does the esxi VSA volume of the two esxi server has to use the same storage size to deploy VSA volume ?

  • 35.  RE: vmotion issue

    Posted Aug 06, 2013 04:53 AM

    Dear Friend,

    Make on you note that vMotion only depend on CPU and network, as you already mention CPU are same and both host connected in vcenter, then it is very easy task to do vmotion, by the way for a power on vm you have to configure a share storage in both host, or you can go for power off vmotion.

    Direct answer of your question is  - power off you vm and go for migration or Move inventory of that vm from source storage to destination storage.