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  • 1.  vMotion between VDS and NSX-T

    Posted Sep 16, 2021 10:44 AM

    Hi Experts

    I have a script to simple vMotion a VM between vDS portgroup and NSX-T Opaque Network

    See script below

    The error happen during the Move-VM operation 

    Move-VM -vm $VM -Destination $destination -NetworkAdapter $networkAdapter -Network $destinationNSXPortGroup

    I have filtered the Opaque network so itchnically it should do the job but it dosent  can i get some help please

    PS C:\> $destinationNSXPortGroup

    Name                                        NetworkType
    ---- -----------
    Sample-VLAN-600-XX-VMN    Opaque


    PS C:\> Move-VM -vm $VM -Destination $destination -NetworkAdapter $networkAdapter -Network $destinationNSXPortGroup
    Move-VM : 16-9-2021 12:43:22 Move-VM The operation for the entity "NSXmigtst001" fai
    led with the following message: "Currently connected network interface 'Network adapt
    er 1' cannot use network 'OTA-VLAN-633-BB-VMN (nsx.LogicalSwitch:15d096f6-0527-4c6b-9
    5de-ff73eefdb7a0)', because the type of the destination network is not supported for
    vMotion based on the source network type.". See KB article 56991 for more details.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Move-VM -vm $VM -Destination $destination -NetworkAdapter $networkAda ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Move-VM], CannotUseNetwork
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Client20_TaskServiceImpl_CheckServerSideTaskUpdates_Op



    Foreach ($VMdetail in $VMdetails) {

    $VM = Get-VM -Name $VMdetail.VMNAME -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    If ($VM) {
    Write-Host "VM ==> $VM is a alive on the source VC ==>$global:DefaultVIServer" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Else {
    Write-Host 'VM' $VMdetail.VMNAME' Cannot be found' -ForegroundColor Magenta

    # End the loop

    # Check if there is a Destination ESXi host on the specified cluster
    # If found proceed or skip to next record

    $destination = Get-cluster $vmdetail.ClusterNSXT -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |Get-VMHost -Name $VMdetail.ESXiNSXT

    if ($destination){
    Write-Host "VM will be placed on ESXi host ==>" -ForegroundColor Yellow $destination
    Else {
    Write-host "Destination ESXi host" $vmdetail.ClusterNSXT "is not Accessible" -ForegroundColor Magenta

    # End loop
    # }


    ## Check if the Network Adapter for the VM is found ##
    ## If found proceed or skip to next record ##


    $networkAdapter = Get-NetworkAdapter -vm $VM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    If ($networkAdapter){
    Write-Host "VM Network Adaptor info ==>$networkAdapter" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Else {
    Write-Host "Network Adpater cannot be attahced and migration will fail" -ForegroundColor Magenta

    # End loop
    # }

    ## Check if the destination NSXT Portgroup is available, also check if the destination ##
    ## NetworkAdapteNSXT PortGroup is found, if unavailable skip to the next record ##

    $destinationNSXPortGroup = Get-VirtualNetwork -name $VMdetail.PortGroupNSXT |where {$_.networktype -eq "Opaque"} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    If ($destinationNSXPortGroup){
    Write-Host "VM will be moved to following PortGroup ==>$destinationNSXPortGroup " -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Else {
    Write-Host "NSX-T Overlay Switch or PortGroup cannot be found " -ForegroundColor Magenta

    # Move VM
    # Change Network Adapter


    Move-VM -vm $VM -Destination $destination -NetworkAdapter $networkAdapter -Network $destinationNSXPortGroup




  • 2.  RE: vMotion between VDS and NSX-T

    Posted Sep 16, 2021 10:52 AM

    Did you check if you meet the requirement mention in KB56991, as the error message suggests?

  • 3.  RE: vMotion between VDS and NSX-T

    Posted Sep 16, 2021 11:18 AM

    Hi LucD


    Yes we are on vCenter

    VersionRelease DateVAMI/Release NotesClient/MOB/vpxd.log
    vCenter Appliance 6.7 Update 3n (


    Also we are on NSX-T 3.51


    Many thanks



  • 4.  RE: vMotion between VDS and NSX-T

    Posted Sep 16, 2021 11:21 AM

    Hi LucD

    Also I can do this task from the HTML client, its just the powercli is not working

    Many thanks



  • 5.  RE: vMotion between VDS and NSX-T

    Posted Sep 16, 2021 11:23 AM

    Then I suggest you open an SR.

    If GSS should incorrectly claim that PowerCLI is not supported without a Dev Support contract, point them to PowerCLI Support Breakdown