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  • 1.  vMotion across Clusters

    Posted Oct 31, 2014 09:57 AM


    We are designing a datacentre and the networking team have suggested creating a VLAN and network subnet for each vMotion network per VMware Cluster.

    I guess this will mean we cannot vMotion VMs between Clusters?

    What a better idea be to create one network/VLAN to be used between all clusters?

    What about security of data on these vMotion network(s).

    ANy thoughts would be greatly appreciated!



  • 2.  RE: vMotion across Clusters

    Posted Oct 31, 2014 11:26 AM

    Assuming the vMotion network is a separate non-routed subnet/VLAN, I don't see any security concerns with using the same subnet for all ESXi hosts in all clusters. Only the ESXi hosts will be able to communicate arcoss this network in this case.


  • 3.  RE: vMotion across Clusters

    Posted Oct 31, 2014 01:26 PM

    its possible - but then you'd have to think about routing the VLANs - Are you using any L3 switches? You'd have to tweak that network to the n'th degree.  Also - consider the amount of time and hops the vMotion data is on the wire. The vMotion data is done in the clear - so there is virtually no secuirty on the network other than the fact that it (should be) on a closed network. is there a specific reason the network team wants separate vMotion VLANs? isn't there a single mgt VLAN across the hosts? or is that to be divided as well?

  • 4.  RE: vMotion across Clusters

    Posted Oct 31, 2014 01:44 PM

    Thanks guys. This is a typical example of the networking team trying to design the server infrastructure!

    I'll promote a non-routable subnet/VLAN for vMotion to be used across all hosts and clusters.
