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  • 1.  VMCA Certificate Lengths

    Posted Feb 13, 2019 10:13 PM

    Why are they only 2-3 years if you regenerate after deployment? Can this be changed?

  • 2.  RE: VMCA Certificate Lengths

    Posted Feb 14, 2019 08:19 PM

    Hello wreedMH,

    In general, certificates created or used in VMCA has a default validity of 1825 Days (5years), you can review the validity of the VMCA certs while navigating to vCenter Server > Configure > Advanced Settings [ and the parameter is vpxd.certmgmt.certs.daysValid ].

    The Enterprise & Custom certificates can be easily extended with the help of replacing the existing certificates depending on your requirements, similarly, VMCA needs to be regenerated.