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  • 1.  vm delete

    Posted Nov 28, 2017 07:43 AM

    I had a virtual machine on an esxi, I guess I made a mistake. now ı cant delete this vm. how to delete this vm ?. ı havent vcenter just esxi 6.5 and just local datastore.@

  • 2.  RE: vm delete

    Posted Nov 28, 2017 07:57 AM

    What mistake? is the VM still powered on?

    you can power off the VM and delete from the ESXi host as well.. vCenter is not required for that

  • 3.  RE: vm delete

    Posted Nov 28, 2017 08:03 AM

    Hi goodface

    What do you mean by you can't delete it?

    So the vGuest is in Invalid state, that means it lost the connection to the Storage or it was removed or something different may have occured.

    You have different options when you hit the right klick. However, please follow this procedure!

    There is a option that worked in previous versions, let's see if that works with 6.5 too, please let me know if it did work.

    1. Open VMware Infrastructure or vSphere Client and connect to the Host with a user with Administrative rights. 
    2. Change the view to the VMs and Templates inventory view. 
    3. On the left pane, right-click, click New Folder and provide an alpha-numeric name to the folder. 
    4. Click the virtual machine and while holding the left mouse button, drag the virtual machine to the folder created in step 3. 
    5. Right-click the folder, and click Remove. The folder and its contents are deleted.

    If that dosn't work, please do this:

    Reload all invalid virtual machines on a single host at one time

    This script reloads all invalid virtual machines on a single host at once: 

    for a in $(vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms 2>&1 |grep invalid |awk '{print $4}'|cut -d \' -f2);do vim-cmd vmsvc/reload $a;done

    Please keep me posted, if that worked out.

    Best regards,


  • 4.  RE: vm delete

    Posted Nov 28, 2017 11:15 AM

    hi again

    i deleted datastore and vcenter . ı see this vm now but there is no vmdk ot etc. so just want to delete /vmfs/volumes/58de2da4-c6bc78ac-9643-5cf3fc9414d0/AVCSA/AVCSA.vmx . it isnot power on power of or etc.. what is this i didnt understand. Also I havent vcenter so ı cant see Templates or etc..

  • 5.  RE: vm delete

    Posted Nov 28, 2017 01:18 PM

    Hi goodface,

    I have some issues in understanding.

    So you have only a Host with this vGuest that you can't delete.

    So please do this:

    Install VMware PowerCLI

    1. In PowerCLI, connect to the Host in question with the connect-viserver command
    2. Remove-VM -VM <VMName> -DeletePermanently -Confirm:0

    Please run this command this will remove the VM and delete it Permanently.

    Best regards,

    i deleted datastore and vcenter . ı see this vm now but there is no vmdk ot etc. so just want to delete /vmfs/volumes/58de2da4-c6bc78ac-9643-5cf3fc9414d0/AVCSA/AVCSA.vmx . it isnot power on power of or etc.. what is this i didnt understand. Also I havent vcenter so ı cant see Templates or etc..