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  • 1.  vLCM: Postgres process causes high CPU usage

    Posted Jul 26, 2023 12:31 PM

    Hi all,

    I'm having here a vLCM appliance (vRealize Build 20080494), which has throughtout a postgres process, that causes a CPU usage between 50% - 70%. It is not the same process (pid), but almost everytime the same statement:



    select event0_.vmid as vmid1_10_, event0_.createdBy as createdB2_10_, event0_.createdOn as createdO3_10_, event0_.lastModifiedBy as lastModi4_10_, event0_.lastUpdatedOn as lastUpda5_10_, event0_.tenant as tenant6_10_, event0_.version as version7_10_, event0_.vrn as vrn8_10_, event0_.currentState as currentS9_10_, event0_.engineNodeId as engineN10_10_, event0_.errorCause as errorCa11_10_, event0_.eventArgument as eventAr12_10_, event0_.eventLock as eventLo13_10_, event0_.eventName as eventNa14_10_, event0_.sequence as sequenc15_10_, event0_.stateMachineInstance as stateMa16_10_, event0_.status as status17_10_ from vm_engine_event event0_ where event0_.status=$1 | client backend
    select event0_.vmid as vmid1_10_, event0_.createdBy as createdB2_10_, event0_.createdOn as createdO3_10_, event0_.lastModifiedBy as lastModi4_10_, event0_.lastUpdatedOn as lastUpda5_10_, event0_.tenant as tenant6_10_, event0_.version as version7_10_, event0_.vrn as vrn8_10_, event0_.currentState as currentS9_10_, event0_.engineNodeId as engineN10_10_, event0_.errorCause as errorCa11_10_, event0_.eventArgument as eventAr12_10_, event0_.eventLock as eventLo13_10_, event0_.eventName as eventNa14_10_, event0_.sequence as sequenc15_10_, event0_.stateMachineInstance as stateMa16_10_, event0_.status as status17_10_ from vm_engine_event event0_ where event0_.engineNodeId=$1 and event0_.status=$2 | client backend


    User: vrlcm
    Application: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver

    A restart of the LCM, IDMs and vRAs was not the solution  VACCUM magic on the postgres DB too.

    Any idea what is happening here or what I can do? My next step would otherwise be upgrading to 8.10.


  • 2.  RE: vLCM: Postgres process causes high CPU usage

    Posted Aug 04, 2023 01:44 PM

    Chronic issue with this product and is still occurring in 8.12.  These commands came from VMware and were tested in a lab lcm 8.12 instance that had high cpu usage. This is not officially supported but did cut the cpu usage in half.  The culprit appears to be old requests in the UI/DB going back 2 years (over 1500) that needed to be deleted.  You can change the interval on the last 3 statements for your Requests retention needs.  Use at your own risk with snapshots.  There is supposed to be new functionality in an upcoming release that you can set the retention for Requests in the UI.  

    Take snapshot

    su - postgres

    cd /opt/vmware/vpostgres/11/bin

    ./psql -d vrlcm


    Run these in order:

    // older requests are not significant/indicate other problems in the environment

    DELETE FROM vm_engine_user_request;

    DELETE FROM vm_rs_request WHERE requestname= 'lcmgenricsetting';

    DELETE FROM vm_engine_event WHERE status= 'PROCESSED';

    DELETE FROM vm_engine_execution_request WHERE enginestatus in ('SUCCESS','INITIATED'); 

    // Note, this will clear the requests from UI and DB and cannot be inspected/viewed afterwards

    DELETE from vm_rs_request where state = 'COMPLETED' and TO_TIMESTAMP(createdon/1000) < NOW() - INTERVAL '30 DAYS';

    DELETE from vm_rs_request where state = 'FAILED' and TO_TIMESTAMP(createdon/1000) < NOW() - INTERVAL '30 DAYS';

    DELETE from vm_rs_request where state = 'CANCELLED' and TO_TIMESTAMP(createdon/1000) < NOW() - INTERVAL '30 DAYS';


    Reboot appliance.

  • 3.  RE: vLCM: Postgres process causes high CPU usage

    Posted Aug 07, 2023 06:59 AM

    Hey, thanks for that answer

    What about requests with state 'DELETED'? After running these commands, two requests with state 'DELETED' appeared in the UI, which are two years old.

  • 4.  RE: vLCM: Postgres process causes high CPU usage

    Posted Aug 07, 2023 07:24 AM

    Ok, had to revert the snapshot. After running the commands, the environments are gone.

    I'm going to open a support case.

  • 5.  RE: vLCM: Postgres process causes high CPU usage

    Posted Oct 25, 2023 06:05 PM

    After upgrading to 8.14, I have seen a big reduction in CPU usage.



  • 6.  RE: vLCM: Postgres process causes high CPU usage

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Oct 13, 2023 06:57 PM

    May be this helps: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/89962


    Unfotunately, not on my 8.12 appliance