Yes, you can leverage VRNI for the same ->
Use Cases:
• Micro-segmentation Planning, Deployment and Compliance
– Plan and measure security impact with micro-segmentation
– Accelerate microsegmentation deployment with firewall rules
– Continuously monitor and audit compliance postures over time
• 360 Network Visibility and Troubleshooting
– Quickly troubleshoot connectivity issues between VMs through powerful
path visualization
– Effectively manage events, alerts and problems to rapidly solve issues
– Unify troubleshooting experience across the virtual and physical infrastructure
• Manage and Scale NSX Deployments
– Scale across multiple NSX Managers with powerful visualizations for topology
and health
– Avoid configuration issues through an in-product best practices checklist
– Pinpoint and triage issues for quick resolution with intuitive UI and natural
language search
• Manage Security for Public Clouds
– Extend micro-segmentation planning to AWS constructs
– Analyze traffic flows in AWS for visibility into AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
– Troubleshoot firewall issues between VMs in AWS
Or configure netflow @ DVS level with a supported destination collector which will help you achieve what you want ( Harder way and feature less path)