When using Converter 3.0.3 or the cold clone boot disc:
1. Please ensure that you have Service Pack 6a and all patches done on every system. (you may even want to reinstall SP 6a because NT4 is fragile like that sometimes)
2. Use the local built in Administrator account (cold clone gets around this)
3. Do not have software mirrors on the drives (cold clone can't get around this, and we don't suggest converting a system with mirrors under 3.0.x)
4. Do not have multi-boot options in the boot.ini, and that it conforms to a basic ARC path (multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1) = ....)
Problems you may encounter?
Reconfiguration issues at about 97%, but this could be remedied after the conversion is done.
Maybe a 0x7B BSOD on vm boot, but again can be remedied post P2V
That's the most I can think of off the top of my head.
VMware vExpert 2009
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