I have a virtual server in VMWare that normally has 2 hard drives assigned to it. The other day I found it added 3 more drives pointing to other virtual servers on the cluster. I removed these to get it back to the configuration it needs to have but for some reason it keeps adding these drives back to its configuration. I can not figure out why it is doing this or how to stop it. I can see in the tasks that the reconfiguration is being done by the administrator. I am adding the information for the task that added a disk back to the vm -
Reconfigured ann-idpa-prx2 on ann-ent-esxi-03.us.terumo.com in VxRail-Datacenter . Modified: config.hardware.device(1000).device: (2000, 2002) -> (2000, 2002, 2001); Added: config.hardware.device(2001): (key = 2001, deviceInfo = (label = "Hard disk 3", summary = "209,715,200 KB"), backing = (fileName = "ds:///vmfs/volumes/vsan:5264694f35f810a7-c52768776621b8ca/d0397f64-86e6-2b08-80ec-b49691d37f58/ANN-SQLPROD5.us.terumo.com.vmdk", datastore = 'vim.Datastore:2eafa2ff-939a-4a60-b138-8206ddbf8d5d:datastore-21', backingObjectId = "d1397f64-ace4-814a-6ca6-b49691d37f58", diskMode = "independent_nonpersistent", split = false, writeThrough = false, thinProvisioned = true, eagerlyScrub = false, uuid = "6000C298-332a-1283-aee6-00f65160f13f", contentId = "98067a3b7c15c300bcfbd1605824ce6c", changeId = <unset>, parent = null, deltaDiskFormat = <unset>, digestEnabled = false, deltaGrainSize = <unset>, deltaDiskFormatVariant = <unset>, sharing = "sharingNone", keyId = null, cryptoIntegrityProtectionType = <unset>), connectable = null, slotInfo = null, controllerKey = 1000, unitNumber = 1, numaNode = <unset>, capacityInKB = 209715200, capacityInBytes = 214748364800, shares = (shares = 1000, level = "normal"), storageIOAllocation = (limit = -1, shares = (shares = 1000, level = "normal"), reservation = 0), diskObjectId = "32-2001", vFlashCacheConfigInfo = null, iofilter = <unset>, vDiskId = null, virtualDiskFormat = <unset>, nativeUnmanagedLinkedClone = false, independentFilters = <unset>); config.extraConfig("scsi0:1.redo"): (key = "scsi0:1.redo", value = "/vmfs/volumes/vsan:5264694f35f810a7-c52768776621b8ca/2ccaa163-6a37-7b59-443b-b49691d38098/./ANN-SQLPROD5.us.terumo.com.vmdk.REDO_7lWUew"); config.extraConfig("scsi0:1.ctkEnabled"): (key = "scsi0:1.ctkEnabled", value = "TRUE"); Deleted:
I am open to any suggestions.