VMware vSphere

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  • 1.  Virtual Machine totally paralyzed

    Posted Jul 26, 2021 08:59 AM

    Hello, I would like to know if you could help me with this problem that I have. It is a VM that is totally paralyzed, it is not possible to access by RDP, nor by console, nor ping, it is as if all the services were dropped because the vmware tools also fall ... it only remains therefore to make a power off to the VM. Then when you turn on it gets connected but only lasts about 20 seconds and freezes again.

    As additional information high CPU usage alert is shown and it is checked when starting the VM since it is seen at 99% just by turning on, what could be happening and what actions could I take to solved it? Thank you



  • 2.  RE: Virtual Machine totally paralyzed

    Posted Jul 26, 2021 09:20 AM


    Usually in such a situation as a first test I disconnect the VM from the network and try to access it from the console.

    Have you tried this?

  • 3.  RE: Virtual Machine totally paralyzed

    Posted Jul 26, 2021 04:00 PM


    It has worked, but as soon as I connect it to the network again it freezes again, how can I determine the cause? the only processes that vary a little and increase are the noderunner.exe, and then with the network connected I am unable to see what else it may be affecting because it is paralyzed....  



  • 4.  RE: Virtual Machine totally paralyzed

    Posted Jul 26, 2021 09:28 PM


    First what OS Guest mount the VM and what version of vSphere (ESXi and vCenter) you are using.

    What type of network card are you using (VMXNET or E1000).

    However, we have two possibilities to identify the problem, the first is a problem on a vSphere component (but perhaps the least likely), while the second is an application problem. From what I understand there is the roadrunner.exe  could there be an Exchange server as a service on the machine?

    I would proceed as follows:

    1- Start the VM without a network card and always with the network card disconnected:

    Check in the windows event viewer if there are any anomalous reports

     Deactivate all the services concerning the applications (and stop any applications that start automatically)

    2- Proceed to reconnect the network card and:

    With all the applications stopped, Check if the VM crashes

    Start one application at a time and check if the VM crashes


  • 5.  RE: Virtual Machine totally paralyzed

    Posted Jul 27, 2021 11:45 AM


    The guest operating system is Windows Server 2016 Standard, in effect it has an Exchange Server 2016 and the type of network card is VMXNET.

    Some of the events that appear to me are those that appear in the capture...

    I will try the actions you have recommended


    Best Regards


  • 6.  RE: Virtual Machine totally paralyzed

    Posted Jul 27, 2021 01:01 PM


    I suspect the problem may be Exchange. The VM has always had this problem have I started to be present after some update or upgrade (for example Exchange)?