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  • 1.  virtual center installation

    Posted Feb 02, 2009 03:11 AM

    What is the recommended installation of virtual center? What about the license server and update manager? Do all these need to be on different vms or servers? Is that best practice?

  • 2.  RE: virtual center installation

    Posted Feb 02, 2009 01:48 PM


    What size is the environment you talking about? What about your database? You can certainly install the vCenter, License server and Update Manager all on the same server (physical or virtual), but without knowing some other pieces of the equation, it is difficult to say what the best practice is going to be for your situation. Also, make sure to review the system requirements for Update Manager.

  • 3.  RE: virtual center installation

    Posted Feb 02, 2009 06:43 PM

    I have 5 hosts and 60 VM's. My vCenter server is Windows 2003 Standard Edition with an 8GB hard drive and 1GB of RAM. If you'll be using update manager, you'll want a larger hard drive (20GB minimum is fine). Everything can fit on one VM. If you are using this in production, you'll want to point vCenter to an SQL Server, otherwise you can use the free database that comes with vCenter.