Backup & Recovery

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  • 1.  VDP SQL Application restore

    Posted Aug 21, 2015 10:39 PM

    Hi every one,

    I am doing some test with DP 6.0 and the SQL backup, I have been doing some backups but I could not restore any of the backups yet.

    Every time is the same error no matter if I do some changes during the restore process.

    I can see these lines at the events panel from the vsphere client :

    Task: VDP: Restore Job

    VDP Restore "VM name" started

    VDP server execution error code: 10007 Job name ......

    VDP: Restore completed

    Could you please tell me where to check if there is another log where I can find more information about this error?

    Also, I have done backups and restores for individual VMs and it works fine, until now I have done backups from SQL Application but I could not complete the restore correctly.


  • 2.  RE: VDP SQL Application restore

    Posted Aug 21, 2015 11:34 PM

    I have found this log in the windows VM where I want to restore de DB,  c:\Program files\avp\var\MOD-xxxxxxxxx-sql.log

    I this log I can find the following error:

    SQL plug-in will now terminate due to the following avtar error: 'code 536870919: miscellaneous error'

    But I need to know what it means :smileylaugh:.

  • 3.  RE: VDP SQL Application restore

    Posted Jul 06, 2016 10:29 AM


    I had the same Problem.

    In the log was following:

    2016-07-06 12:06:52 avsql Error <11971>: Database TESTSQL01\SQLEXPRESS/db_Test will be skipped because it does not exist or is offline and a tail-log backup could not be performed.

    2016-07-06 12:06:52 avsql Error <15760>: No targets after expansion!

    2016-07-06 12:06:52 avsql Error <11973>: Recovery cannot be performed, all targets were excluded from restore.

    2016-07-06 12:06:52 avsql Info <7271>: Final summary generated subwork 1, cancelled/aborted 0, snapview 0, exitcode 536870919

    2016-07-06 12:06:57 avsql Info <6451>: avsql returning with exitcode 536870919

    I created a new database, make a backup and then deleted it. So with the standard options or REPLACE and Tail-Log Backup is enabled.

    From the Administration Guide VMware vSphere Data Protection Documentation

    A SQL Server restore with the tail-log backup option selected fails

    This problem can be caused if the last restore was performed after the last full backup. Perform a full backup

    on the database before restore.

    The restore can also fail if the Tail-log backup restore option is enabled and the database does not exist or is

    offline. In this case disable the Tail-log backup option.

    So I enabled REPLACE and disabled Tail-Log Backup and then it worked.

    Hope this helps.

