Clean steps for VDP uninstall
1. Power off & delete the appliance
2. But you'll still see VDP plugin in the UI, So unregister the VDP plugin through the vcenter object browser(MOB)
In your vCenter, open object browser - https://<ip of your vcenter>/mob
Once prompted, provide the vcenter credentails
Click on content
Click on the extensionmanager
You should see some extension with vdp (eg:- com.vmware.vdp) or similar
clcik on unrgisterextension method and enter "com.vmware.vpd" or whatever you see in the above step
click on Invoke method.
You are done !
Restart the web client service and you are all set.
Go to UI and you will not find 'vSphere Data Protection' listed there.
3. Now you start with a fresh install