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VDP problems - need help to force restore of mcs

  • 1.  VDP problems - need help to force restore of mcs

    Posted Jun 30, 2016 09:05 AM

    Dear all, I have been knocking my VDP about trying to fix it. It had lost data02, and I got that back by running a filecheck discarding the metadata stuff. So, I was then able to gain access to the rollback, but rollback failed.

    Now the status looks like this:

    root@vdp:~/#: dpnctl status

    Identity added: /home/dpn/.ssh/dpnid (/home/dpn/.ssh/dpnid)

    dpnctl: INFO: gsan status: up

    dpnctl: INFO: MCS status: down.

    dpnctl: INFO: Backup scheduler status: down.

    dpnctl: INFO: axionfs status: up.

    dpnctl: INFO: Maintenance windows scheduler status: enabled.

    dpnctl: INFO: Unattended startup status: enabled.

    dpnctl: INFO: [see log file "/usr/local/avamar/var/log/dpnctl.log"]

    I found this article: Starting the MCS service in VMware vSphere Data Protection 5.1.x fails with the error: gsan rollbacktime does not match … and attempted to run the command specified in there, but it is not successful.

    I get this:

    root@vdp:~/#: dpnctl start mcs --force_mcs_restore

    Identity added: /home/dpn/.ssh/dpnid (/home/dpn/.ssh/dpnid)

    dpnctl: INFO: Restoring MCS data...

    Permission deniedPermission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/XML/ line 587.

    Could not create file parser context for file "/usr/local/avamar/var/mc/server_data/prefs/mcserver.xml": Permission denied at /usr/local/avamar/lib/ line 128

    dpnctl: ERROR: cannot restore MCS data without a password for MCS administrative user id

    dpnctl: ERROR: MCS restore did not succeed, so not restarting MCS

    dpnctl: INFO: [see log file "/usr/local/avamar/var/log/dpnctl.log"]

    So my question is really... How do I specify the password for the MCS administrative user id so that I may force MCS up again?

    If I try to start MCS using dpnctl start mcs I get the following:

    root@vdp:~/#: dpnctl start mcs

    Identity added: /home/dpn/.ssh/dpnid (/home/dpn/.ssh/dpnid)

    dpnctl: INFO: Starting MCS...

    dpnctl: INFO: To monitor progress, run in another window: tail -f /tmp/dpnctl-mcs-start-output-6153

    dpnctl: ERROR: error return from "[ -r /etc/profile ] && . /etc/profile ; /usr/local/avamar/bin/ --start" - exit status 13

    dpnctl: INFO: [see log file "/usr/local/avamar/var/log/dpnctl.log"]

    This is what the dpnctl.log looks like:

    root@vdp:~/#: tail /usr/local/avamar/var/log/dpnctl.log

    2016/06/30-12:50:18 [ "/bin/cat /tmp/dpnctl-get-mcs-status-status-5787 2>&1" exit status = 0 ]

    2016/06/30-12:50:18 dpnctl: INFO: "[ -r /etc/profile ] && . /etc/profile ; /usr/local/avamar/bin/ --test" exit status = 13

    2016/06/30-12:50:18 rm -f /tmp/dpnctl-get-mcs-status-status-5787 /tmp/dpnctl-get-mcs-status-output-5787

    2016/06/30-12:50:18 dpnctl: INFO: "rm -f /tmp/dpnctl-get-mcs-status-status-5787 /tmp/dpnctl-get-mcs-status-output-5787" - exit status 0

    2016/06/30-12:50:18 dpnctl: INFO: [see log file "/usr/local/avamar/var/log/dpnctl.log"]

    2016/06/30-12:50:18 rm -f /usr/local/avamar/var/dpnctl.lck

    2016/06/30-12:50:18 ======= dpnctl 7.1.80-129 (1.139), running as admin, RETURNING at 2016-06-30 14:50:18 CEST =======

    2016/06/30-12:50:18 [user "admin"] program (pid 5787) exit status = 1 (error)

    2016/06/30-12:50:18 ======= dpnctl 7.1.80-129 (1.139), running as root, ENDING at 2016-06-30 14:50:18 CEST =======

    2016/06/30-12:50:18 [user "root"] program (pid 5729) exit status = 1 (error)

    Not a lot to work with here... Logfile has absolutely no info that I can understand...

    Message was edited by: Ludvig F Aarstad: added more info

    Wow, it was as simple as typing su - admin before running the dpnctl start mcs force_mcs_restore command...

    Message was edited by: Ludvig F Aarstad: Added solution...