you should tell us a little bit more about your design.
VDP only uses the network to backup VMs when the host it runs on can't access the VMDK of the VM over the datastore directly.
So let's say for example you have 2 clusters A and B.
Each cluster has it's own datastores, so hosts in cluster A can't mount datastores of cluster B.
When your VDP appliance runs on cluster A and backs ups VMs of cluster A, the VDP appliance can mount the VMDK (the snapshot of it) directly and copy the data without issuing network traffic.
When the appliance has to backup VMs running in cluster B, this data has to travel over the network because the appliance can't mount the VMDK.
In this configuration it would make sense to deploy a second VDP appliance to cluster B and let it backup it's 'local' VMs of cluster B to avoid slow network traffic.