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VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS


Vijay2027Jul 27, 2018 05:42 PM

  • 1.  VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 12:35 PM


    VCSA appliance

    Windows 2012 R2 Standard  IIS FTPS

    I used this setup FTPS on my Windows servers


    The Backup process starts and then runs for a long time with no data transferred and I get this error

    BackupManager encountered an exception. Please check logs for details.

    Which Logs? where are they located ?

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you


  • 2.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 05:27 PM

    its is backup.log under /var/log/vmware/applmgmt



  • 3.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 05:43 PM


    here is the extract of the log

    2018-07-27 04:12:31,860 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: The location provided:

    2018-07-27 04:12:31,902 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Starting backup job...

    2018-07-27 04:12:49,668 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: The backup dir does not exist

    2018-07-27 04:12:59,690 [MainProcess:PID-29017] ERROR: BackupManager encountered an exception: Failed to create FTP dir '' at ''; ret=28


    stdErr: curl: (28) Connection time-out


    2018-07-27 04:12:59,691 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Cleaning up the failed backup job.

    2018-07-27 04:12:59,691 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Cleaning up all running backup child processes.

    2018-07-27 04:12:59,788 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Cleaning up all sizeFiles.

    2018-07-27 04:12:59,788 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Cleaning up ConfigFiles.

    2018-07-27 04:12:59,789 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Cleaning up Lotus.

    2018-07-27 04:12:59,789 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Cleaning up Vmdir. Running /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin/vdcbackup -c

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,239 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: stdout: Cleanup: Setting vmdir state to VMDIRD_NORMAL


    2018-07-27 04:13:00,239 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Cleaning up VCDB.

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,240 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Finishing full database backup

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,241 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Retrieving postgres server listening port

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,241 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Executing command: netstat -plnt.

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,283 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Canceling running pg_start_backup() process.

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,284 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Executing command: ['/opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql', '-U', 'postgres', '-p', '5432', '-At', '-c', "SELECT pg_cancel_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid <> pg_backend_pid()  and query ~ '^select\\ pg\\_xlogfile\\_name\\(pg\\_start\\_backup\\(.*\\)\\)\\;' "].

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,768 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: No pg_start_backup() process is running.

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,768 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Checking whether Postgres online backup still in progress

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,769 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Executing command: /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -U postgres -p 5432 -t -c "select pg_is_in_backup();".

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,798 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Postgres on-line backup already finished. Skip stopping backup operation

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,798 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Successfully cleaned up for VCDB backup.

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,799 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Cleaning up ComponentScripts.

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,799 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Cleaning up StatsMonitorDB.

    2018-07-27 04:13:00,799 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Cleaning up failed backup files.

    2018-07-27 04:13:10,822 [MainProcess:PID-29017] WARNING: Ignore to clean up failed backup files, due to issue: 'Failed to list FTP dir with cmd ['curl', '--fail', '-u', u'vcsauser:****', '--connect-timeout', '10', '--ssl-reqd', '-k', '--silent', '--show-error', '--list-only', u'']; ret=28


    stdErr: curl: (28) Connection time-out


    2018-07-27 04:13:10,822 [MainProcess:PID-29017] ERROR: Failed to cleanup the backup job. Error: Failed to clean up the backup job.

    2018-07-27 04:13:10,837 [MainProcess:PID-29017] INFO: Backup job failed.

    ~ ]#



  • 4.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 05:42 PM

    Are you using default port 21?

  • 5.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 05:45 PM

    see my log below

  • 6.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 06:23 PM

    Can you telnet using the command curl -v telnet:// and validate if you are getting response properly???

    Also check the permissions on the ftp for the user vcsauser

    2018-07-27 04:13:10,822 [MainProcess:PID-29017] WARNING: Ignore to clean up failed backup files, due to issue: 'Failed to list FTP dir with cmd ['curl', '--fail', '-u', u'vcsauser:****', '--connect-timeout', '10', '--ssl-reqd', '-k', '--silent', '--show-error', '--list-only', u'']; ret=28


    stdErr: curl: (28) Connection time-out


    2018-07-27 04:13:10,822 [MainProcess:PID-29017] ERROR: Failed to cleanup the backup job. Error: Failed to clean up the backup job.



  • 7.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 06:41 PM

    From the Appliance

    Command> curl -v telnet://

    Unknown command: `curl'

    From my windows 10 via cmd prompt

    telnet 21

    220 Microsoft FTP Service

    The users permissions on FTP are Full Control

  • 8.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 07:24 PM

    Please try to take ssh from vcsa and run the command.. If you are doing it from your local Windows remove curl - v and try the cmd

  • 9.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 07:30 PM

    Sorry if I was not clear in y last response.

    From my windows 10 computer I can telnet in to the FTP server with no problem

    I am SSH' into the VSCA and I cannot curl it fails

  • 10.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 07:29 PM

    For using "curl" you need bash shell access. See: Enable and Access the Bash Shell from the Appliance Shell

    And "connection timed out" errors are usually caused by firewalls or routing errors. Have you checked this or are the FTPS server and VCSA on the same subnet without firewalling and routing?

  • 11.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 07:34 PM

    Ok I was not in the bash shell

    I get the same response as my Windows 10 computer

    This is from the VCSA

    ~ ]# curl -v telnet://

    * Rebuilt URL to: telnet://

    *   Trying

    * Connected to ( port 21 (#0)

    220 Microsoft FTP Service


    So what can I try next? It looks like it connects fine

  • 12.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 07:45 PM

    Have a look at this: Setting up FTPS server for VCSA backup | vmninja

    For FTPS, not only port 21/tcp must be open, since VCSA uses passive mode. I bet there's something wrong with a firewall (maybe Windows Firewall). That's why I asked for routing and firewall. So, again, is there any firewall in between?

  • 13.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 07:49 PM

    Eddie's Blog: Configuring VCSA 6.5 Backup Lessons Learned

    You are directly dumping the backup file to the FTP and not to any specific folder inside the ftp?

    Is there any firewall in the FTPServer ? Can you try restarting ftpservice and also run the command curl -u <ftp user>:<password> -l <ftp server> from the above article to validate the same



  • 14.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 08:26 PM

    The blog is good up to the last step and then it is unclear

    I am not sure which ip address to add there?  "External IP address of Firewall?

    This is a Windows 2012 R2 server running IIS do I use its IP address?

    You are directly dumping the backup file to the FTP and not to any specific folder inside the ftp?

    I created a folder like this

    Figure 6 - Specifying the FTP site name and physical path

    Mine is E:\FTPSVCSA

    As noted above I have a Windows 2012 R2 which is using the built in Windows firewall no third party firewall here.

    All my systems are on same subnet

    I used the curl command here is what I got

    ~ ]# curl -u vcsauser -l

    \Enter host password for user 'vcsauser':



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    ~ ]#

    This looks lime my default web site on this server


  • 15.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 27, 2018 08:51 PM

    If the folder is specified, I do not see the folder path specified which providing the FTP. In the Step 4, check the ftp info... It is specified as ftpserver/folder where the backup has to go.

    Eddie's Blog: Configuring VCSA 6.5 Backup Lessons Learned

  • 16.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 28, 2018 02:05 AM

    I added the path and job still fails

    2018-07-27 21:08:39,756 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: The location provided:

    2018-07-27 21:08:40,009 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Starting backup job...

    2018-07-27 21:08:51,621 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: The backup dir does not exist

    2018-07-27 21:09:01,638 [MainProcess:PID-17647] ERROR: BackupManager encountered an exception: Failed to create FTP dir '' at ''; ret=28


    stdErr: curl: (28) Connection time-out


    2018-07-27 21:09:01,665 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Cleaning up the failed backup job.

    2018-07-27 21:09:01,666 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Cleaning up all running backup child processes.

    2018-07-27 21:09:01,738 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Cleaning up all sizeFiles.

    2018-07-27 21:09:01,739 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Cleaning up ConfigFiles.

    2018-07-27 21:09:01,739 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Cleaning up Lotus.

    2018-07-27 21:09:01,739 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Cleaning up Vmdir. Running /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin/vdcbackup -c

    2018-07-27 21:09:02,899 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: stdout: Cleanup: Setting vmdir state to VMDIRD_NORMAL


    2018-07-27 21:09:02,900 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Cleaning up VCDB.

    2018-07-27 21:09:02,900 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Finishing full database backup

    2018-07-27 21:09:02,901 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Retrieving postgres server listening port

    2018-07-27 21:09:02,901 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Executing command: netstat -plnt.

    2018-07-27 21:09:03,031 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Canceling running pg_start_backup() process.

    2018-07-27 21:09:03,032 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Executing command: ['/opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql', '-U', 'postgres', '-p', '5432', '-At', '-c', "SELECT pg_cancel_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid <> pg_backend_pid()  and query ~ '^select\\ pg\\_xlogfile\\_name\\(pg\\_start\\_backup\\(.*\\)\\)\\;' "].

    2018-07-27 21:09:03,553 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: No pg_start_backup() process is running.

    2018-07-27 21:09:03,553 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Checking whether Postgres online backup still in progress

    2018-07-27 21:09:03,554 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Executing command: /opt/vmware/vpostgres/current/bin/psql -U postgres -p 5432 -t -c "select pg_is_in_backup();".

    2018-07-27 21:09:03,584 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Postgres on-line backup already finished. Skip stopping backup operation

    2018-07-27 21:09:03,584 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Successfully cleaned up for VCDB backup.

    2018-07-27 21:09:03,584 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Cleaning up ComponentScripts.

    2018-07-27 21:09:03,585 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Cleaning up StatsMonitorDB.

    2018-07-27 21:09:03,585 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Cleaning up failed backup files.

    2018-07-27 21:09:13,603 [MainProcess:PID-17647] WARNING: Ignore to clean up failed backup files, due to issue: 'Failed to list FTP dir with cmd ['curl', '--fail', '-u', u'vcsauser:****', '--connect-timeout', '10', '--ssl-reqd', '-k', '--silent', '--show-error', '--list-only', u'']; ret=28


    stdErr: curl: (28) Connection time-out


    2018-07-27 21:09:13,604 [MainProcess:PID-17647] ERROR: Failed to cleanup the backup job. Error: Failed to clean up the backup job.

    2018-07-27 21:09:13,633 [MainProcess:PID-17647] INFO: Backup job failed.

  • 17.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Jul 30, 2018 02:12 PM

    This is a connection timeout message.. may be the backup time failing to establish connection within 10 seconds or may be 10 minutes i guess.... --connect-timeout', '10',...

    where is the ftp server located? is it of same subnet as vcsa?



  • 18.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Aug 01, 2018 01:13 AM

    Still not working

  • 19.  RE: VCSA fails to Backup using FTPS

    Posted Aug 01, 2018 02:39 PM

    I've had similar issues with FTP\FTPS.  Webdav has been much more reliable for me.