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  • 1.  vcheck hosts overcommitting memory

    Posted Sep 15, 2017 05:28 PM

    for this check in vcheck

    what is the remedy for this?

    It says my host has overcommited in memory due to the total allocated VM memory is grater than the total available memory on the physical host. But the totalUSed GB is just fine.

    Whast do I need to do to fix this alert? DRS ius not going to move the Vms.

  • 2.  RE: vcheck hosts overcommitting memory

    Posted Sep 15, 2017 06:01 PM

    Overcommit on  itself is not necessarily a problem.

    You have good and bad overcommit.

    As long as there is no performance hit due to memory overcommit, I consider that a good overcommit.

    The vCheck number on it's own is not a sufficient indicator to decide between good and bad.

    You will have to monitor other things like memory swapping, ballooning,page sharing... to be able to decide between good and bad.

    There are a number of articles that delve deeper into the overcommit issue.

    Memory Overcommitment in the ESX Server

    Memory overcommit in production? YES YES YES

    In conclusion, you need more data to decide if memory overcommit is a good or a bad thing in your environment.