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  • 1.  vcenter vcpu calculator

    Posted Nov 03, 2018 11:02 AM


    I have 3 esxi server . sockets :2  - cores per socket :10 - logical processors : 40 . I wonder how many virtual machines with vcpu can run on this cluster. just wonder that how many vcpu ?

    host failures cluster tolerates : 1

  • 2.  RE: vcenter vcpu calculator

    Posted Nov 03, 2018 11:08 AM


    It depends on the size of your VMs.

    Which will be the avg resources slot?

  • 3.  RE: vcenter vcpu calculator

    Posted Nov 03, 2018 06:18 PM

    Sorry my wrong question ! I want to know that I have the physical servers I mentioned above. current total virtual server 88 vcpu now but I will install some virtual machines totaly 62 vcpu so I know that you will say too much technical detail but my boss does not understand these :smileyhappy: So I have to say something about. we need to buy a new server or we dont need it. Is there an approximate number or method?

    Also I wonder something else. that is, how to calculate whether this infrastructure is sufficient when a design is being made.

    thanks for long answer

  • 4.  RE: vcenter vcpu calculator

    Posted Nov 03, 2018 06:39 PM

    Whether an infrastructure is correctly dimensioned and whether it needs to be expanded and if so, by how much physical capacity, depends on many individual details. In addition, the workload is very different in most infrastructures. Therefore, there is no blanket statement or a simple vCPU calculator. At the latest when CPU, memory or storage is used to 70% or more, you know for sure that you have to expand. But performance problems can occur much earlier.

    If you look only from the perspective of CPU performance, you should pay attention to the physical core to vCPU ratio. As a best practice it has been proven that a pCore : vCPU ratio of 1:1 - 1:3 works well with most workloads and from 1:5 it becomes bad for some workloads. However, there are also infrastructures where 1:2 already leads to performance problems and infrastructures that hardly notice performance bottlenecks with 1:10.

    So I would recommend you either do the math yourself and calculate the ratio and check the CPU Ready values of all hosts over a longer period of time or what might be easier for you: Use vRealize Operations Manager and show your boss the Capacity Dashboards.

  • 5.  RE: vcenter vcpu calculator

    Posted Nov 03, 2018 07:32 PM

    can you say now about my vmware . bad or good and ? i add pictures and if I did it right

  • 6.  RE: vcenter vcpu calculator

    Posted Nov 03, 2018 09:30 PM

    can you say now about my vmware...

    No. Sorry. For the reasons I've already given.

  • 7.  RE: vcenter vcpu calculator

    Posted Nov 03, 2018 01:42 PM

    +1 for "it depends" because it completely does.

  • 8.  RE: vcenter vcpu calculator

    Posted Nov 04, 2018 05:26 AM

    This thread might give you an answer:

    About the number of vCPU

  • 9.  RE: vcenter vcpu calculator

    Posted Nov 04, 2018 11:35 AM

    I wonder something else . for example, a customer will install an infrastructure and get a total virtual server CPU number 150. memory and disk resources do not ask. how do you calculate how it should take physical server. there is no one to calculate it then how i will buy new server my new vmware infrastructure ?

  • 10.  RE: vcenter vcpu calculator

    Posted Nov 04, 2018 12:49 PM

    You keep missing the points everyone is attempting to make. You don't guess. You get requirements from those who need infrastructure. If you get no requirements, you start them off with something low. After that, it's up to you to monitor your infrastructure and determine when performance drops to an unacceptable level and when you need to add resources. No one else can determine those things except you.

  • 11.  RE: vcenter vcpu calculator

    Posted Nov 04, 2018 06:21 PM

    ok . thanks to everyone !