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vCenter PSC expected behaviour....

  • 1.  vCenter PSC expected behaviour....

    Posted Nov 16, 2018 03:12 PM

    Hi all

    Can someone advise if I am correct in the below or is there an issue I need to dig in to a bit more..


    VCSA deployment

    vCenter 6.0 u1

    2 External PSCs (not load-balanced)

    Environment (apparently) functions without issue..

    If I restart the vCenter all comes back no problems


    If I want to restart the primary PSC (for whatever reason) it never seems to tie in with vCenter correctly in our estate.

    Meaning I need to actually make a full shut down of both of the PSCs then the vCenter then power them up in order PCS then vCentre….

    In that order it is absolutely fine..

    Is this expected....? or should I be able to reboot either the PSC or vCenter without issue (although of course while the PSC is down no new sessions can be launched.)

    If there is a link out there that outlines the shutdown start-up order \ process that would be great so I can include in our documentation !!

    Cheers all