i have a similar issue, but vimPBSM wont start ( i think its part of sps )
but i only got to step1 and stopped. firstly those 2 json files it askes to remove lines, well those lines of code dont exist...
the vcenter is acessible and working,besides this not running.
i have backups of the json files in the different location
i noticed all the files in C:\ProgramData\VMware\vCenterServer\cfg\vmware-vmon\svcCfgfiles have been touched my the vmon py script. the touched files seem to have increased in size a little and some extra code added.
i have all the files from another vcenter healthy server, should i stop all services
copy all from healthy to to bad vcenter, and start services.
PS on 6.5.0 BUILD 9451637
my first psc seem to go ok.