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  • 1.  VCenter Migration - SSL Certificates

    Posted Jun 12, 2013 02:51 PM

    I am planning to move my VCenter 5.1a host following these steps.

    In step 14 it states:

    • If vCenter Server is moved to another server with a fresh installation, the SSL certificates change and the ESX hosts show as disconnected within vSphere Client connected to vCenter Server. Right-click the disconnected hosts, click Connect, provide the root login credentials, and follow the prompts.

    By reconnecting the host does this mean all the VMs on that host will be put in the root folder or will they retain their resource pool and location in vcenter? I don't want to move all the VMs back into new resource pools and folders if possible.

    Thanks for the help

  • 2.  RE: VCenter Migration - SSL Certificates

    Posted Jun 12, 2013 05:57 PM

    The VM's would just show as disconnected with resource pools intact if the DB is intact.

    Are you using VC 5.1, though? Coz if you are, you can actually take a backup of your resource pools so that if you run into issues, you can restore them right back!