According to follow doc
1- Is that mean we can do Max 4 concurrent vmotion between 2 Hosts for while we are using 1G pnic ?2- Is that mean we can do Max 4 concurrent vmotion + svMotion between 2 Hosts and 2 datastore (shared storage) for while we are using 1G pnic ?
According to document from Host perspective"A Storage vMotion operation costs 8 units per host. If you are changing the datastore for a VM and not the host"So if vmA and vmB and vmC resided on the HostA and Datastore1(sharedstorage) now I can just do 2 concurrent Storage vMotion from Datastore1(sharedstorage) to Datastore2(sharedstorage)and third VM will be wait an put in the queue ?1 - Is that correct ? If your answer is "Yes" I did it in my lab but could do svmotion simultaneously for 3vms that resided on HostA and none of them did not put in queue se follow pic :