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  • 1.  vCenter HA - SSH issues during setup

    Posted Aug 25, 2021 03:38 PM


    I am trying to deploy VCHA in my lab which on U2 got to 44% and now U3 gets to 77% but fails on the ssh to the Passive/Witness nodes.  The SSH service is enabled on the Active node and the networking is set up properly as I can ping the two nodes when they get cloned during the setup.

    Is there a bug with the SSH or fix that I can implement?  I would like to get this working.


  • 2.  RE: vCenter HA - SSH issues during setup
    Best Answer

    Posted Aug 25, 2021 06:43 PM

    I was able to somehow fix this by disabling NIC0 for the Witness node as it is not needed and then testing ping on the HA network between nodes to ensure they are reachable.

    VCHA completed the setup and is now working but there are some bugs in it when using the web client with Automatic deployment and the cloning process.