Hi Ajay,
This is what is there in KB
See if this help for you
Active node(Site A): NIC1=10.112.x.x
Passive node(Site B): NIC1=10.110.x.x
Witness node(Site C) : NIC1=10.111.x.x
1) All nodes (Active ,passive & Witness) are in different sub nets,
2) Make sure NIC2 connected to all the 3 nodes are reachable each other by creating common gateway VM or using NSX or follow the Additional Routing Configurations mentioned in KB article
Deploying vCenter High Availability with network addresses in separate subnets (2148442) | VMware KB
3) Make sure latency between each site is 10ms
4) Make sure Active and Passive node share the same hostname in DNS entry ( 2 IPs mapping to same FQDN)
Let me know if you still need some help.
If it is useful, plz mark answer as correct or helpful.
Thanks & Regards
Madhukumar J, VCP50.
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