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vCenter Converter - Fatal Error Occurred - Error 1330

  • 1.  vCenter Converter - Fatal Error Occurred - Error 1330

    Posted Feb 03, 2011 03:05 AM

    Hello everyone -

    Last month I successfully imported a machine using the vSphere client, doing a P2V on a Server 2003 box.

    I tried doing another one today, and immediately receive an error upon clicking "Import Machine"

    Initial searching said to check the disks on the machine I'm trying to import, but I never even get far enough to select a machine to import. I pulled the vCenter logs and saw last month's information when I successfully imported the machine. After those entries, this is what has appeared when I tried importing the machine:

    [2011-02-02 18:22:54.443 01672 warning 'Libs'] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:

    * The host certificate chain is not complete.
    [2011-02-02 18:22:54.458 01672 warning 'Libs'] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:

    * The host certificate chain is not complete.
    [2011-02-02 18:22:54.458 01672 warning 'Libs'] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:

    * The host certificate chain is not complete.
    [2011-02-02 18:22:54.677 01672 warning 'Libs'] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:

    * The host certificate chain is not complete.
    [2011-02-02 18:22:54.677 01672 warning 'Libs'] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:

    * The host certificate chain is not complete.
    [2011-02-02 18:22:54.677 01672 warning 'Libs'] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:

    * The host certificate chain is not complete.
    [#5] [2011-02-02 18:22:54.740 04528 info 'App'] Error 1330 authenticating user __VMware_Converter__.
    [#5] [2011-02-02 18:22:54.740 04528 error 'App'] Unable to authenticate user __VMware_Converter__ using the provided password
    [2011-02-02 18:23:04.958 01704 warning 'Libs'] SSLVerifyCertAgainstSystemStore: The remote host certificate has these problems:

    The only thing that is different from when I imported the previous machine is that VMWare Data Recovery is running backup jobs.. I haven't waited long enough to see if trying this while the backups aren't running produces a different result. As far as I am aware, there are no LDAP passwords set to expire, and all of my vCenter logins are working as normal.

    Any ideas would be appreciated.



  • 2.  RE: vCenter Converter - Fatal Error Occurred - Error 1330

    Posted Feb 03, 2011 01:15 PM

    I tried again after the VMWare Data Recovery backups had finished this morning and I still receive the same error. My guess is that its from the converter authentication failure.

  • 3.  RE: vCenter Converter - Fatal Error Occurred - Error 1330

    Posted Feb 03, 2011 03:24 PM

    Reboot fixed error