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vApp shutdown order depends on IP Allocation Policy?

  • 1.  vApp shutdown order depends on IP Allocation Policy?

    Posted Oct 06, 2014 03:29 PM

    Have found a strange behavior with vApp -

    it overwrites the shutdown order specified on the 'Start Order' tab in vApp if the IP Allocation Policy = DHCP.

    Steps to reproduce -

    1. Create a vApp with 2 vms

    2. Set the order to start - vm1, vm2. Shutdown should happen in reverse order according to VMware.

    3. Select both 'DHCP' and 'OVF Environment' checkboxes in the 'Advanced IP Allocation' window (Options->Advanced->IP Allocation).

    4. Start vApp.

    If select 'Fixed' or 'Transient' as the IP Allocation policy in the vApp settings then the shutdown goes correctly - vm2 shut down first, then vm1.

    If select 'DHCP' then the shutdown goes WRONG - vm1 shut down first, then vm2.

    It's very disappointing because shutdown order is very important in many cases.

    Same issue happens with vCOPS vApp-

    if DHCP is selected, the 'Analytics VM' is shut down first so it's not my wrong vApp setup.

    Any advice how to resolve this?

  • 2.  RE: vApp shutdown order depends on IP Allocation Policy?

    Posted Oct 09, 2014 08:50 PM

    No ideas? How can I submit this bug to VMware?