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  • 1.  V2V migreating with VMware vCenter Converter Standalone

    Posted May 28, 2018 09:45 PM


    If I understood that right vCenter Converter Standalone is cloning the source VM  for instance VMs running on Xen server to the destination ESXI. In this case there will be a dublicate IP address if I powered on the destination VM on ESXI ? Do I need to powered off the source VM before power on the new VM on destination. If is that the solution there will be a down time between powering off the old vm and powering on the new VM?


  • 2.  RE: V2V migreating with VMware vCenter Converter Standalone
    Best Answer

    Posted May 28, 2018 10:07 PM

    Yes, there is the potential to create an IP conflict on the network with the newly-converted VM because it adopts the IP settings of the source. You don't necessarily have to power down the source--you can disconnect the NIC while you finalize the setup of the converted VM. This is just par for the course and you should plan your conversion around a switch over window in which to make these changes.

  • 3.  RE: V2V migreating with VMware vCenter Converter Standalone

    Posted May 28, 2018 10:34 PM

    Thanks again :smileyhappy:.

    Is there any HOW TO (doc/blog ) for vCenter Converter  doc/blog do you recommend ?

  • 4.  RE: V2V migreating with VMware vCenter Converter Standalone

    Posted May 28, 2018 10:36 PM

    There's the standard documentation as many blog articles (have you done a Google search on your own?), but as to the switch over process--not really. This is not exactly a function of Converter and is a manual process you perform at its conclusion.