Hi there,
At the moment I have assigned my LAN and DMZ networks to two separated Nic's (So thus no Vlan tagging)
eg vmnic0 = LAN, vmnic1 = DMZ.
This works all fine but I like to make some changes in that way I going to use two separated physical nic's and use on both nic's both LAN and DMZ but now by using VLAN.
So thinking about this setup:
For each network I create a Vswitch, So getting a Vswitch named VsLAN, VsDMZ for case.
At the Vswitch I assign two Nic's one nic will be the standby one. so like vmnic0, vmnic2 (standby)
At this Vswitch I will create a Port group and assign the right VLan number like 10 to LAN and 20 to DMZ.
Creating the other Vswitch will have the same Nic's but now vmnic0 will be the stanby one.
Probalby all fine so far I think or not ? :smileyhappy:
- Well this concept where there is a one to one relation between Vswitch and Port Group or one switch with multiple PortGroups ?
In case one Vswitch with multiple Port Groups I will assign at Port Group level the active and standby Nic.
- If I create a Port Group and assiging a Vlan number will the IP packets received by the VM itself also be tagged or untagged ?
Other words. Do I need to setup the NIC at the VM also to the same Vlan ID or not.
Thanks for your feedback.