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  • 1.  Using Vi Client at Vcenter - cant open console

    Posted Dec 28, 2009 03:35 AM

    dear forum,

    I am using a Win Std 64x R2 for Vcenter with 8 GB RAM, Quad Core E5405 (4x 2 GHz)

    The odd thing was, vmware-vmrc process has lots instance (see attachment). When this happen, I cannot open VMWare Console from the VCenter itself, but when I opened Vi Client from others, It's OK.

    Are there any patches should applied to this server?

    Any comment are greatly appreciated


  • 2.  RE: Using Vi Client at Vcenter - cant open console

    Posted Dec 28, 2009 11:41 AM


    Can you check is there are any scripted task using vmrc? vmware-vmrc is a used to get the remote console of the VM, it was used with vmware server product.

  • 3.  RE: Using Vi Client at Vcenter - cant open console

    Posted Dec 28, 2009 03:55 PM

    Since you can open a console session from other machines, but not from VirtualCenter, make sure your VirtualCenter server has access on TCP Port 902 to each of your Hosts.

    I'm not sure about the various processes or services that are involved in all this, but I do know that port 902 needs to be open from the server you run the client from, to the host that is running the VM.

  • 4.  RE: Using Vi Client at Vcenter - cant open console

    Posted Dec 28, 2009 05:41 PM

    I can open a console session from VirtualCenter..but after 2-3 hours later, cannot open console again.Looks like the console cannot popup from the vi client. I am curious about the vmware-vmrc process gone multiple instance..looks like these multiple process causing the vm Console cannot be opened in VirtualCenter. There is no firewall/proxy between VirtualCenter and ESX host.

    If I restarted the server, all process goes clean again..I can open the vm Console right from the VirtualCEnter. And this always recurring.. :smileysad:

  • 5.  RE: Using Vi Client at Vcenter - cant open console

    Posted Dec 28, 2009 05:43 PM

    No, there are no script running using vmrc.

    I am using Vi client as default

  • 6.  RE: Using Vi Client at Vcenter - cant open console

    Posted Dec 29, 2009 07:38 AM


    vmrc (vmware remote console) is used with web UI they have integerated with VI4. Check out page25 in the followng guide,

    Also, i've noticed whenever we are opening VI client to VC vmware-vmrc process is running. Also it starts if a console of a VM is opened. If you have 10 VM consoles opened there would be 10 vmrc process running.

    If its a 32 bit OS in which vcenter is running you can have upto 15 concurrent connection, if its 64bit 30 conncurrent connection.

    But not sure why you are not able to open the console when multiple vmrc process is running. Try upgrading to the latest release 4.0U1.

    Hope this helps

  • 7.  RE: Using Vi Client at Vcenter - cant open console

    Posted Dec 30, 2009 03:08 PM

    I think process vmware-vmrc kind of stuck of each other..I cannot end task each of those process either.

    Maybe I'll try to update it..

    I'll post the result here...