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Use physical serial port on the host greyed out

  • 1.  Use physical serial port on the host greyed out

    Posted Jan 14, 2014 02:11 PM

    Hi guys,

    I am trying to connect the vMA (5.5) appliance to a physical serial port on our esxi 5.5 host managed by the vSphere Essentials. When I get to "Add hardware > Device type > Select port type", the "Use physical serial port" option is greyed out.

    Now I assume that this might simply be a matter of having to reboot the host with the cable attached as it was only connected when the host was already on. But a problem is that this server hosts several fairly important production machines and turning them all off would be grossly inconvenient.

    I should also add that I was trying to connect the host to an APC ups this way, using the guide below:…