From your screenshot, you are having a vSphere with Operations Manager (vSOM) - vSOM comes with vCOps Standard.
And now you would like to use your new vCOps Suite Advanced license right and not using vSOM license for your vCOps?
Which vCenter version are you using?
Are you using vCenter version 4.1/5.0?
You must have at least vCenter version 5.1 tp use vCOps Suite license.
If you are running vCenter version 4.1 or 5.0 then you won't be able to use the license instead you would need to use the license key text file.
This is also explained on the release notes: VMware vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 Release Notes
Licensing vCenter Operations Manager 5.8
This paragraph contains important notes on vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 licensing.
Important License keys for vCenter Operations Management Suite 5.8 with vCenter Server 5.0 or 4.1
The vCenter Operations Management Suite 5.8 supports a Single Suite license key to enable functionality across all the suite components.
To use this Suite license key with Operations Manager and Infrastructure navigator (VIN), you must have at least one instance of vCenter Server 5.1.
To use vCenter Operations Manager and vCenter Infrastructure navigator components with vCenter Server versions 5.0 or 4.1, obtain the compatible license keys for these products from the text file located under each of the Product downloads:
vCenter Operations Manager 5.8 (Standard, Advanced, and Enterprise editions):