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  • 1.  Update with Lifecycle

    Posted Sep 14, 2021 06:56 AM


    I want to implement the updates with the LifeCycle Manager tool on my operational virtualization platform.
    It consists of a cluster of 4 ESXi Cisco UCS-C220-M5SX installed in VMware ESXi 7.0.2. 17867351.
    Since I have to do the updates offline, I use a UMDS server which is connected to my lifecycle in order to receive all the updates on lifecycle.
    My problem is the following:
    When I want to update my ESXi in the cluster, several messages appear:
    - "Host status is unknow" (despite the check compliance, it does not change anything)
    -Image Hardware compatibility is not verified in non-vSan clusters
    - "Compatibility is checked only for vSan storage controllers,and not with full vmwaer compatibility guide".

    I don't understand where my errors come from.
    Can you help me?
