I went with the newest version of the Tools (11.3.5) as our oldest version of Windows is 2012 R2. I first tested that version on one of our oldest VMs and found no issues.
I discovered that the ProductLocker location needed to be updated on a large number of hosts because we have replaced so many since the central repo was set up over 2 years ago. (I inherited this from someone else who left.)
Here is something that I can't explain, which I'll express in the form of an example:
- HostA and HostB are both at ESXi, 6.7.0, 17700523 and have the correct ProductLocker location
- VM1 running Windows 2012 R2 on HostB with Tools version 10341 is said to be current
- VM2 running Windows 2012 R2 on HostA with Tools version 11265 is said to need an upgrade
- If I move VM1 to HostA, it is said to need an upgrade. If I move it back to HostB it is marked as current.
What might be the reason for this inconsistency? Also, is there any reason to use the MOB to update the locker location, as opposed to just changing the UserVars.ProductLockerLocation in the Advanced System Settings?