I am trying to log into my skyline collector, but the root account is locked due to failed login attempts, how do you go about unlocking the account?
To reset the root password, please follow
Skyline Support Moderator.
Link doesn't work.
Hi Royd,
Thanks for the response.Please find the below steps
To reset the root password:
Skyline Support Moderator
The line "rw init=/bin/bash' "
should be "rw init='/bin/bash' "
One missing quote would cause syntax error
I have locked out my root account "Account locked due to X failed logins"
I have used the information in KB52652 to reset the root password but it didn't unlock the account. Is there something else you need to do after resetting the password in order to unlock it?
VMware Knowledge Base
The KB has the steps to reset the password, if the account is locked you will need to clear the lock after resetting the password.
Please run the following command after resetting the password on the shell:
/sbin/pam_tally2 -r -u root
You can unlock it through the Root Master app...