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  • 1.  Unable to unzip PowerCLI on linux due to backslashes

    Posted Jan 20, 2023 11:41 AM
    I am downloading and wanting to extract PowerCLI to use on Linux.
    It seems like the PowerCLI .zip file contains backslashes rather then forward slashes which causes unzip to error.
    # unzip 
    warning: appears to use backslashes as path separators
    the unzip then fails
    Apparently this is a previous bug in Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive which should bre resolved
    Anyone have any workarounds using linux unzip or even better, can someone on the PowerCLI team amend the archive creation process to resolve trhis.

  • 2.  RE: Unable to unzip PowerCLI on linux due to backslashes

    Posted Jan 20, 2023 12:04 PM

    You could try to use 7zip to fix the issue

    7z rn $(7z l | grep '\\' | awk '{ print $6, gensub(/\\/, "/", "g", $6); }' | paste -s)