This is my first post on this VMTN forum so apologies if this is in the wrong place.
I need some advice please.
I’ve tried installing the updates for a host in the cluster but the non-critical host patches baseline still says non-compliant. There are 7 updates with the status of missing:
With the exception of the second one they all appear to be the same thing (intel-nvme: intel NVME driver with VMD Technology) but different versions.
No matter how many time I stage and remediate them (with the host in maintenance mode) it wont do it. its installed other non critical patches with out issue.
Is it that its trying to install different versions of the same thing? I found some information about how to add or remove a patch from a base line, but I don’t think ive got access to do that and don’t want to change a base line if its going to effect every host with that base line attached.
My understanding is that it should have installed the latest patch then marked the others as obsoleted?
I hope this makes sense, I'm quite new to VMware as you can probably tell!
thank you in advance.